C:\inpro>ftp *-> Your iseries IP Address here ftp> User *-> Enter your iseries User ID ftp> Password: *-> Enter your iseries User ID Password ftp> bin ftp> quote site namefmt 1 ftp> cd /QDLS/INPRO ftp> lcd c:\inpro ftp> mput *.* ftp> quit
NOTE: Terminate any Jobs or Subsystems you are running for the product also. Should not be Locks on Libraries being replaced. (use WRKOBJLCK command checking locks) Backup the old *EXE and *DB libraries first if this is an upgrade installation. (where * is replaced with product prefix) SDN400 has an extention of *400. This step builds the production libraries *EXE and *DB on your system based on the product prefix ie. SPN etc. Other systems covered by your software order will require some or all of these same instructions.