INPRO International, Inc.


FTP Installation Option

iSeries Side

  1. Create Folder INPRO with CRTFLR FLR(INPRO) TEXT('INPRO Folder') AUT(*ALL) (all installations go through this one folder, so install only one product at a time, if it exists then delete/remove all objects/files from it)

PC Side

  1. EXPLODE the .ZIP files one at a time into c:\inpro folder...clearing after each installation are done...
    C:\inpro>ftp *-> Your iseries IP Address here
       ftp> User *-> Enter your iseries User ID 
       ftp> Password:  *-> Enter your iseries User ID Password
       ftp> bin
       ftp> quote site namefmt 1
       ftp> cd /QDLS/INPRO
       ftp> lcd c:\inpro
       ftp> mput *.*
       ftp> quit

iSeries Side

  1. CPYFRMPCD FROMFLR(INPRO) TOFILE(QGPL/QREXSRC) FROMDOC(INSTALL) TOMBR(*FROMDOC) (take other default instructions to use *DFT translation table and *TEXT rather than *NOTEXT) (use WRKOBJLCK command checking locks) (RUN as QSECOFR (NOT a qsecofr(Group)) the INSTALL or security issues won't load changed objects, you will be in a loop of reinstalling loading)

    NOTE: Terminate any Jobs or Subsystems you are running for the product also. Should not be Locks on Libraries being replaced. (use WRKOBJLCK command checking locks) Backup the old *EXE and *DB libraries first if this is an upgrade installation. (where * is replaced with product prefix) SDN400 has an extention of *400. This step builds the production libraries *EXE and *DB on your system based on the product prefix ie. SPN etc. Other systems covered by your software order will require some or all of these same instructions.

    Installation is now complete!

  3. Run DSPJOBLOG JOB(*) OUTPUT(*PRINT) from command line and send it to us.

INPRO International, Inc., (800) 63-INPRO, (512) 320-9107,,