INPRO International, Inc.


Before you begin there are a few things that you need to be aware of. INPRO International, Inc. has developed a new and unique distribution method for it's utility products using standard FTP support on the iSeries system.

All of the download files are in what is known as "zipped" format. These zipped files are actually collections of one or more files/savefiles that have been compressed and put into a compressed format in order to save disk storage. These files need to be un-zipped before they can be used. Libraries of zipped files often have the extension .ZIP; however, the archived files on this website are encrypted self-extracting and have the extension .EXE.

INPRO International, Inc., 700 Lavaca Street, Suite 1400, Austin, TX 78701 (800) 63-INPRO, (512) 320-9107 Fax:(512) 444-4931,,